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Welcome to the Florida Branch of the

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

We sponsor and promote educational and training programs for our members and others who are professionally engaged in the care and handling of laboratory animals.

Florida Branch AALAS also promotes the goals, values, and ethics of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS). AALAS is the "premier forum for the exchange of information and expertise in the care and use of laboratory animals" and "is dedicated to the humane care and treatment of laboratory animals and the quality research that leads to scientific gains that benefit people and animals."

For more information on the programs, products, and services rendered by AALAS


Are you looking to volunteer and contribute to the Lab Animal Science Field????

Then consider running in the campaign for a FAALAS Council position.

Open positions, term length, and general responsibilities:

  •   President Elect- 1 year term 
Assist the President.  In absence of the President, the President Elect shall preside at all business and scientific meetings of the Branch and meetings of the Council.
  •  Treasurer- 3 year term
Will receive membership dues, and all other funds of the Branch.  Will pay all obligations of the Branch as authorized by the Council. Present to Council at each meeting a statement of income and expenses, annually submit financial report to Council and Branch for calendar year.
  • Technician Branch Representative Elect (TBR Elect)- 3 year term
Serves as the voice of the technician community and act as liaison between AALAS Branches, AALAS National Office, and FAALAS members.  Will share technicians’ activities, ideas, and suggestions with other Branches.
  •  Councilor at Large x 2- 2 year term
Voting member that will act in the best interest of FAALAS and shall assist in carrying out responsibilities of the Council.

You must be a current FULL FAALAS member in good standing to hold a Council position.  ASSOCIATE members are not eligible. 

If interested please send a picture and short Bio about yourself and why you’d like to join FAALAS Council to, by September 15th Deadline extended until Sept 30th!  Election ballots will be sent out early October.  


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